About historical philosophy ⑤

History is problem that society and nature changes from one state to another state.

All things exist as long as there is rationality, when those rationality goes away, those things disappear.

But in history of society, when things dying cannot die, and when things born cannot be born, many people suffer.

“Crisis” means this situation.






About Syria problem

Modern Syria express imperial politics of past and present.

Ferocity of Asad administration is one expression of calculation by imperialist in U.S. and Europe.

Mass media often focuses conflict between western countries and Russia, but they don’t focus about what Asad is.

And they told people that to attack Asad administration and to attack IS is good for people in Syria.

They don’t draw life and depiction of Syrian people.

So Mass Media cannot tell people simple message that it is not permissible to drop bombs on people.



