Clothing and era spirit

I wrote about clothes before.

This time I write that clothes are one expression of time spirit.

Do you know pants called San Culotte?

It is long pants that people who were not aristocracy came during the French revolution

“San” is the word of cancellation, culotte is half pants worn by French nobility.

San Culotte means “We are not culotte”, that is, it is not nobleman.

Those who stand up on the revolution are clearly aware that they are the ones who

overthrew aristocracy, and San Culotto is symbol of times of revolution.

When the war continues constantly, clothes are also modified accordingly.

In Japan, since 1930 ‘s, the khaki color which is color of military uniforms was put on people as’ defense clothing’.

The khaki color as a military uniform was originally dyed according to the color of the local soil by the British army who was in India and trying to match the khaki color to the military uniform, in Japan also with the soil of the Korea and Mainland China .

In the 1930’s, the spirit of aggression war era in Japan covered the whole nation.












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