About rebellion

So-called “rebellion / conspiracy” is act that veteran threatens its position to superior person. Even in modern countries, there are many protests based on nationalism.

That is why it is necessary to analyze “thoughts and behaviors of those who do not comply with current system”.

This time I would like to inquire about Japan and analyze it.

Rebellion against principal is not simply that avassal beat monarch to become a new prince.

Samurai in Edo period sometimes tried to make foolish lord retreat.

In other words, sometimes samurai is “rebellion” in order to protect clan who he


As described above, in Japan it often happened to oppose monarch to preserve

current system.

And this consciousness is rooted in idea that monarch is also one institution of


Since the monarch is also one institution, in some cases monarch must get its position down to protect clan.

This means that samurai of Edo era had consciousness to serve the clan, not

serving monarchs individually.

It is way of thinking that underpinned modern bureaucracy system and is reason

why old forces in Japan quickly adapted to emperor system since modern era.




