Meaning of word “evolution” is not simple.
Mankind has lost ability to climb trees when apes and mankind diverge and differentiate as seeds. There is also no need to climb trees, so force of forefoot has become very weak.
Human being who just got off tree and fought biped was very weak and very few individuals in nature, without nails and fangs that could run fast, no power to climb trees, very powerful. Therefore, we had to live in such a place as to be hidden like cave.
Evolution in this way means simply that human intelligence gets bigger, human beings can do more than it is, and that human beings acquired ability to conform nature is not. Rather, humans have changed their bodies in direction that is not a good idea for living in nature.
For example, since brain is organ that uses a lot of energy, animals other than humans have genes that suppress size of brain. Human lost this gene 2.6 million years ago, brain became bigger. And that means that human beings must acquire more energy. At first glance, human evolution often carries risks on living in nature.
To be continued…