Cultural freedom and civil society

Regarding these cultural activities, government should only improve environment for cultural activities and enhance budget. You should never talk about contents. Even in case of including content that includes hate speech, we have to be very careful in regulation. If some restriction is placed on inner side, it must be arbitrary.


Therefore, you should not ask for solutions to problem of hate speech only for legislation. The key is in health of civil society. Now I said “soundness of civil society”, but this does not necessarily mean that civil society is not healthy. Modern civil society has problem of being considerably involved in nationalism.


So, how can we maintain “soundness” of civil society including such problems? It is to ensure wide variety of values. For that purpose, various discussions must be fully carried out within civil society. In other words, communication must be done abundantly. In order to compete with speech such as Hate speech, it is necessary for sound speech to check it. It is necessary to democratically seal these expressions in civil society.












Stone age of chimpanzee

Chimpanzee with relationship like cousin to human is actually starting to produce stoneware for over 4000 years. In Africa’s Cote d’Ivoire, Thailand and Brazil, stone tools that are believed to have been used by chimpanzees have been discovered from the strata more than 4000 years ago. In other words, chimpanzees also entered the stone age quite while ago. Act of making stoneware is advanced purposeful act. As Marx says, even poor carpenter, image of house he creates is at head from beginning, trying to make image realize. Even when trying to make stoneware, anyone who is stoneware creator has complete figure of what he is making at head. We are going to produce it to realize its completed figure. Chimpanzees already have that capability.









Culture and national security

To implant in mind of people consciousness that I am people in ○○nation is to hold in common thought about that nation.

For example, making consciousness that “From Kuril Islands to Okinawa is territory of Japan” and teaching beauty of various local cultures in that nation means that nations make their people feel that they must protect territory, airspace, territorial waters of their nation.

Education on geography and culture can actually be national defense education.

People should not forget that national defense education tied to geography education and cultural education was made obviously in France after Franco‐Prussian War and Japan in Maiji era.











Iron and conquest culture

National culture is monotonous culture.

Because it crushes various gradations in one nation and puts it in one sense of value.


National culture is culture of division.

Because it separates region and nation from other regions / nation.


National culture is conquest and iron culture.

Conquest is that nation succumbs to various values under one certain sense of value

Railway connects conquered land and conquered land, and army passes these lands. And

nation dominates those lands against background of military strength.



※ One example

Originally Japan was divided into as few as 300 countries until 1868, and Satsuma and Choshu and others caught Emperor and conquered whole nation with iron.


In Japan, song called Railway Song was once being sung. This song contains lyrics about various stations and areas.

Regions with different cultures and climate are tied together by railway and leveled under national state.

However, various conflicts and conflicts hidden there were ignored by government.

And on extension of action of “flattening” various regions by nation, there is

colonial rule.

It was symbolic event that Japanese troops, who possessed Taiwan in 1895, boarded warship in Taiwan and went northward on Taiwan Trunk Line, which was railway that was made by Qing.

























universal culture – culture of old layer – national culture



National culture means the culture created by the modern nation state.

Culture originally bloomed creative tendency that human beings are born.

Mankind is organism with little genetic differences compared to other creatures, and there are almost no individual differences in human ability.

Different cultural differences are only manifestations of human nature expressed differently due to natural conditions and political conditions as Homo sapiens extends living area.

National culture is cultural practice created by nation state to rule the people of their own country by using dominant culture form in that nation.

In contrast, universal culture is cultural practice shared by all human beings and is thought.

However, as Homo sapiens have settled in various places on earth and certain amount of time has passed, there are patterns of thinking and actions that have been done in activities of people there.

There are ideas and cultures on a universal foundation that form a certain pattern with natural and political conditions of the area. This is called ”culture of old layer”.

Therefore, culture of mankind is roughly divided into three layers.

universal culture – culture of old layer – national culture

Universal culture and culture of old layer do not necessarily exclude someone, but national culture excludes other citizens.




















history of culture②

Homo sapiens’ artistic education was potentially equipped about 60,000 years ago.

And until 10 thousand years ago, their education was demonstrated through paintings,ornaments, sculptures, and the like.

However, it became the birth of agricultural livestock that it began to bloom further.

Thanks to the accumulation of wealth, people who occupy occupations not at all related to food production appeared.

It is priest, military leader, and artist.

And all while, mankind can accomplish only certain things in his lifetime, or even one thing can not be accomplished.

However, if a society where humanity truly gains equality and freedom and can demonstrate their abilities as they wish, everyone can become an artist as well as politician.












About history of culture

Clothes were invented by mankind about 70,000 years ago from now.

This is mainly because lice that adhere to clothes appeared on Earth at this time.

Actually, ice ages began at this time.

Human beings have already lost their hair and it was necessary to prevent body from getting cold to live.

Incidentally not only the current human beings but also the Neanderthal people were

making clothes.

The quickest way for humankind to make clothes was to wear animal fur.

Human beings also learned to sew to fit their fur to their bodies.

They were making rather complex clothing and accessories.

In other words, human beings acquired not only purpose of warmth, but also idea of enjoying “fashionable”.

It is feature of present human beings that it is not simply to eat or to prevent cold but to live comfortable life, and human beings other than us did not have that much idea .

Homo sapiens has made dramatic evolution by making full use of condition of ice ages.












Clothing and era spirit

I wrote about clothes before.

This time I write that clothes are one expression of time spirit.

Do you know pants called San Culotte?

It is long pants that people who were not aristocracy came during the French revolution

“San” is the word of cancellation, culotte is half pants worn by French nobility.

San Culotte means “We are not culotte”, that is, it is not nobleman.

Those who stand up on the revolution are clearly aware that they are the ones who

overthrew aristocracy, and San Culotto is symbol of times of revolution.

When the war continues constantly, clothes are also modified accordingly.

In Japan, since 1930 ‘s, the khaki color which is color of military uniforms was put on people as’ defense clothing’.

The khaki color as a military uniform was originally dyed according to the color of the local soil by the British army who was in India and trying to match the khaki color to the military uniform, in Japan also with the soil of the Korea and Mainland China .

In the 1930’s, the spirit of aggression war era in Japan covered the whole nation.











About cultural problem②

Cultural practice doesn’t tie up Border.

There is myriad gradation in culture inside one nation.

And there is similar culture beyond border and ocean.

Distribution map of culture is not something like beautifully color-corded globe, it is something like pattern of marbles.

Moreover it changes like pattern of kaleidoscope.

So, composition drawn in “The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order”, written by Samuel Phillips Huntington is fiction.

It is inappropriate and harmful for people to believe this composition.







About culture problem

Cultural problem contains a wide range of problems.

For example, It is the problem that “I use chopsticks” or “I use knife and fork”.

And it is also problem with highly political problems behind.

But nation state has used every culture practice.

Nation state is composed by excluding other culture.

When leaders of nation state often says that there are beautiful culture in our nation, all

other culture were excluded.

One reason why nation is responsible for sightseeing is to give image to people for “nation


When we are sightseeing, people should be careful for everything.

(For Example, attention points are why this monument is here, why this park is here, and so on.)

God exists in detail, but nation also exists in detail.





